Payments & security


At the moment you can pay with the below payment methods:

  • MasterCard
  • PayPal
  • VISA credit/debit card
  • VISA Electron
  • Apple Pay


All payments are subject to validation and authorization by both the card issuer/credit company and us to maintain security and to prevent fraud. Payment security has a very high priority. Therefore all information is sent through encrypted servers (SSL/HTTPS). This system prevents your credit/debit card from being fraudulently used by others. Fenix never saves any information regarding your credit card. 

If you pay with credit/debit card, your card will be authorized when you place your order, and you will receive an email confirming that your order has been successful. We will not charge your card until we process your order and ship it from our warehouse.

If your card is not authorized, no charge will appear, and you will be notified immediately on the screen that the payment was unsuccessful. You will be asked to provide another method of payment.

A payment decline can happen for a number of reasons. Please check your Primus account details to make sure that the card details such as the card type, validity date, name and your billing address are the same as the card they are registered to.

If the problem continues, please enter the details of another card.

Please contact Customer Service, if the problem persists. They will try to advise you further.

If you have general problems, we recommend that you make sure you have the latest updates and patches for your operating system. In order to enjoy an excellent online experience, we recommend updating your internet browser on a regular basis by using the latest versions for your respective browser.

If you are still having problems using our site, please feel free to get in touch with Customer Service and we will be happy to help. To help us look into your problem, please try to include as many of the following details as possible:

• Your Operating System (e.g. Windows XP, Mac OS 10.0),
• Internet Browser (Internet Explorer 7, Google Chrome),
• What URL you were trying to access (e.g.,
• Which time the problem occurred, and
• Please copy and paste into the email any error message that appeared on your screen.


No you do not need an account to shop with Primus.

However, creating an account will allow you to order without having to fill in your details every time you shop with us. You will also be able to view your order history and track your current orders.

If you already have an account, you can change your details by logging into My Account. Simply choose "Personal Information"and click on the pen to edit your address.

When you want to shop with us or access your account, we ask you to sign in. If you cannot remember your password, just type your email address in to the "Forgotten Your Password" box on the sign in page, and we will send you a reminder which includes your password.

You can change your password, main email address or any of your other details at any time just by signing in to My Account.

If you still have problems signing in, or have any other queries, please contact Customer Service.